Minds of Uncertainty

From Fishing Without Bait 255

"Welcome to a Fishing Without Bait pop in. Today, we popped into Highland Park in Pittsburgh PA. One of the most majestic Scenic places in my own perception that I've encountered his to so peaceful here and lovely. The flowers are in bloom. And today what I'd like to talk about is that anxiety. And normally when people are experiencing some anxiety is because they have minds of uncertainty. Minds of uncertainty can lead us into minds of anxiety, worry and fear. So how do we counter that? By developing a mind of awareness and knowledge. So how did we develop a mind of awareness and knowledge? By going to places people or things that have that particular knowledge. If the brakes are grinding on your car I'd suggest you not go to the lawn and garden center to find out how to fix them. You go to people who have That knowledge. So we want to stop when we have these minds of uncertainty anxiety worry and fear and ask ourselves: What do I know for sure. Let's check the facts."


Pulling the Weeds


Cast a Net!