Cast a Net!

From Fishing Without Bait 255

“I'm going to ask everyone out there to be a fisherman. So, too often when we cast our net during the day. We only haul in the negative aspects of life. We only haul in the negatives and then we carry them with us the whole day. So my suggestion to everyone out there is when you cast your net out to catch the positive things how many times have you gotten in your car? And you've turned the key and it hasn't started. How did you feel? Feel anxious fearful worried. Maybe you had to be somewhere and you figured how much is this going to cost me. On the other hand how many times have you turned that key in your car in a car has started and you recognize that and said this is a positive and had that grateful moment. Or maybe at times when you've tied your shoes and the shoelace snapped doesn't happen often. However, it seems to happen at the most inopportune times. My suggestion is to cast out that net recognize the Positives make an active choice to recognize this is a positive and I'll guarantee you that at the end of the day your net will be so full. You won't be able to lift it."


Minds of Uncertainty


Another Buddha Story: Return to Sender