It’s About Time

You're never too late or too early to join the conversation. This is a space devoid of clocks, where only the present moment has a voice. Today, I'm thinking about a concept that both fascinates and challenges many of us: time traveling. Not in the sci-fi sense, but in a way that's much more personal and impactful to our daily lives.

The Real Time Machine is Our Minds: Often, we're told about the wonders and mysteries of time travel in books and movies, but what if I told you we're all time travelers? According to a friend and co-host of a show I admire, time traveling is when our minds are anywhere but in the present. We're either haunted by the past with its regrets and resentments or anxious about the future, shadowed by worry and fear.

We dive into the importance of being "right here, right now." We explore using our past not as a burden but as a source of wisdom and experience, while shaping our future through actions and goals driven by our efforts today.

Heartbeats in the Present: Consider this: where is your heart beating right now? It's not thumping in the yesterdays or the tomorrows. It's right here, in the now. That's a powerful reminder for us to live from where our heart is, fully embracing each moment as it comes.

Time as Currency: Another fascinating discussion I've encountered is treating time like currency. Just as we wouldn't throw away money as we walk down the street, why do we often find ourselves 'killing time'? Each moment should be spent wisely and mindfully, just as we would with our financial resources. Whether we're deciding on a major purchase or planning our day, the concept of time as a precious asset can truly reshape our approach to life.

Slowing Down to Speed Up: In a world that often feels like it's set on fast-forward, slowing down can seem counterintuitive. Yet, there's immense value in reducing our pace. Slowing down allows us to fully engage with the present, appreciate our surroundings, and connect more deeply with ourselves and others.

Mindfulness in Simple Acts: An exercise I find incredibly grounding involves something as simple as brushing your teeth. Next time you're at the sink, close your eyes. Feel the brush in your hand, smell the mint of the toothpaste, and really taste it as you clean your teeth. This practice isn't just about dental hygiene; it's a metaphor for any daily activity. Can we give our full attention to the simplest of actions? This mindfulness can transform mundane routines into moments of connection and awareness.

Eating with Awareness: Have you ever finished a meal and realized you can't recall what you just ate? In our fast-paced, microwave-ready world, it’s all too common. I challenge you (and myself) to eat mindfully at least once a day. Close your eyes, feel the texture, smell the aroma, and truly taste your food. It’s not just about savoring flavors but about being fully present with the experience.

The Challenge of Living Mindfully: As we navigate our days, the concept of 'full-impact mindfulness' encourages us to live each moment as it comes, without the distraction of multitasking or the rush of a too-busy life. By focusing on one thing at a time, we can fully engage with our current task and perhaps find a new level of clarity and satisfaction in our actions.

This is an invitation to invest your time wisely, to engage fully with your life, and to embrace each moment with intention. Let's all strive to be present, making each second count, as we navigate the waters of life without definitive expectations but with a sense of wonder and joy. Until next time, remember to practice kindness towards yourself and others, and as always, Namaste.



