Double Dog Dare You

As I welcome you to this post, I extend my warmest greetings and best wishes. If you're on the brink of diving into your own life with zeal, I salute you. Today, I want to share a philosophy that has significantly reshaped my perspective—creating myself rather than finding myself, and confronting fear to allow the unexpected to unfold.

Creating More from Life: Life, as I've come to understand, isn't about adhering to a pre-written script. It's about making 1+1 equal 3. It’s about initiating reactions rather than waiting passively for things to happen. Imagine being at the helm of your life, steering through the waves of serendipity and synchronicity. This is where we stop merely floating and start swimming—daring to chase white rabbits and venture down rabbit holes. Let’s meet life head-on with what I call "full-impact mindfulness." If this concept intrigues you, I invite you to keep reading and join me in the deep end of the pool.

The Game of Fear: We all have a poignant point that often holds us back: fear. There’s a powerful quote by George Adair that resonates deeply with me: "Everything you want is on the other side of fear." Fear is a colossal barrier, a comfort zone that keeps us sidelined from our own lives. But does anyone truly thrive by playing it safe? Certainly not.

Time as Currency: In our discussions, we often reflect on the value of time—our most limited resource. Time is not something we can bank and save for later; it continuously dwindles. There’s an old Chinese proverb that says, "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." This is a call to action, urging us to participate actively in our own lives rather than watching from the sidelines, waiting for permission to join the game.

Making Your Own Rules: One of the greatest freedoms in life comes from crafting your own rules. As long as we respect others and cause no harm, why shouldn't we define our own paths? This mindset allows us to embrace the concept of full-impact mindfulness fully. It’s about paying attention on purpose, recognizing our internal dialogues, and deciding for ourselves what we want our lives to be about.

Challenging the Status Quo: Today, I challenge you (as I challenge myself) to confront your fears and ask yourself, "If I wasn't afraid, what would I do?" This isn’t just a rhetorical question—it's a double-dog dare to act on your desires and break through the barriers holding you back. Write down your fears, your dreams, and your plans. Move beyond just thinking and start doing.

Continued Exploration: As we continue on this journey, remember, there are no definitive expectations here. What I ask of you is honesty, open-mindedness, and a willingness to embrace new experiences. We'll delve deeper into these topics in future posts. For now, be kind to yourself and others, and remember—every moment is an opportunity to rewrite the script of your life.

Until next time, Namaste.


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