Those Who Insult

“Katagelasticism is a personality type that enjoys laughing at others and enjoys being critical, enjoys being pointing out personal defects. OK, so what type of a person do you think that is, Mike? What type of a person? Uses that type of humor, uses cruel humor. Yeah, usually if somebody is kind of trying to discredit others, they're kind of covering for their own perceived failings. And most of the time, from what I understand, sure, what they're trying to do is gain their own self esteem by that disparagement and the discounting of others. Usually it was because when they were young, those things, those things, usually those things happen to them also. And then rather than change their way in treating people like they people would want to be treated in order to regain their own self-confidence and self-esteem, they feel that they need to place themselves, others above others, by pointing out other people's defects.”


Wolverine's Burden: X-Men's Logan


Recency Effect and Jim's Mother