Requirements to be with You
From Fishing Without Bait 255
But it's an unfortunate fact that young ladies begin to lose their self-concept and self-esteem around the age of nine years old. So this is when people become influenced by others. When they take their self-perception, their concept in their self-esteem, but how others perceive them. And unfortunately, they're subject to a lot of influences on what they should be. Okay. So quite often people when they make a profile of themselves they put what they have to offer here's what I have to offer you. No. To build self concept and to build self-esteem. I often have people doing exercise of what's the requirements it takes to be with me. What are the requirements it takes to be with you? Those are your values. Those are your choices and those are your non-negotiables and when you have a more clear idea, a conception, a clarity of your values your choices and your non-negotiables, you'll be a more whole authentic complete person. So I'd like everyone out there particularly the young ladies to say, what are the requirements it takes to be with me. Not only as a romantic interest and also as a friend don't settle.