Fishing Without Bait 57: Reflected Self
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

Fishing Without Bait 57: Reflected Self

James Ellermeyer deep dives into your ego.  What is the difference between a baby’s ego and yours?  What does it mean to live with your ego, live with eyes wide open, and the doors it opens when you have a developed ego.

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Fishing Without Bait 55: Connecting the Dots
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

Fishing Without Bait 55: Connecting the Dots

Jim Ellermeyer is pondering the quote of Steve Jobs and sounding a reminder about taking a look and stock of your life, and connecting the dots to make your life instead of letting it happen.

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Fishing Without Bait 53: Finder’s Keepers
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

Fishing Without Bait 53: Finder’s Keepers

James Ellermeyer discusses how we use the maintenance tools of Fishing Without Bait and Full Impact Mindfulness such as repetition and giving away charity to make yourself whole.  

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Fishing Without Bait 52: Buddha Awake
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

Fishing Without Bait 52: Buddha Awake

James Ellermeyer discusses what the Buddha means when he says he is awake, the concept of Awakened Doing, and more. This is the wake up call to be aware and take the steps every day to engage in Full Impact Mindfulness. 

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Fishing Without Bait 51: Pop In
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

Fishing Without Bait 51: Pop In

James Ellermeyer discusses on how we “pop in” to our lives and turning that up to be popped in all of the time.  We answer this with a review and application of what we have learned in Full Impact Mindfulness up to this point. 

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Fishing Without Bait 50: Drop the Rock
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

Fishing Without Bait 50: Drop the Rock

James Ellermeyer takes a look at the rock that weight down our lives.  We look at identifying the resentments in our lives and and the fear of being found out many of us hold. 

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Fishing Without Bait 49: Dancing With Ourself
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

Fishing Without Bait 49: Dancing With Ourself

James Ellermeyer discusses the dance we do in our lives.  Could we be our own best dance partner?  We discuss the maturation and focus on Full Impact Mindfulness building from our Podcasts.  

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Fishing Without Bait 47:  Tell Me Your Name
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

Fishing Without Bait 47: Tell Me Your Name

James Ellermeyer discusses the importance of names.  Why are we named what we are named, why do we share names with parents, and why do we name things. How can we recreate ourselves in renaming our life and the things in it. 

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Fishing Without Bait 43: Double Dog Dare You
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

Fishing Without Bait 43: Double Dog Dare You

Jim Ellermeyer discusses how we are controlled by fear and getting past that.  How do we learn how to “float” when swimming through your life and overcome to grow on this adventure of life. 

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Fishing Without Bait 40: Wrestling With Yourself
Michael Sorg Michael Sorg

Fishing Without Bait 40: Wrestling With Yourself

James Ellermeyer discusses the concept of “finding yourself” and where you should be looking for it.  What is the controlled chaos of life and how we deal with it? Why is it important to create a reaction than to wait for one to come. How can you look to Pro Wrestling, the action and reaction, and the recreation personalities need to go through from time to time.

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