Fishing Without Bait 197: 12 Step Recovery and Behavioral Change (Part 2)

Jim Ellermeyer is back this week discussing 12 Step Recovery and how it can be used for Behavioral Change.   We continue our discussion on Step 2 and the concept of a higher power, what faith is, using our “I choose” words, the 3rd step of in the decision to turning our life and decisions over to God as we understand him, the concepts in discussion with “Is it true, is it kind, is it necessary”.

Our friend Krish Moran has released a new album “Empathy On Sale” and we’ve included one of our favorite tracks in this episode.  If you liked it, please support our friend by picking up the album here:

Read or listen to Jim’s Origin Story.

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Fishing Without Bait 198: 12 Step Recovery and Behavioral Change (Part 3)


Fishing Without Bait 196: 12 Step Recovery and Behavioral Change (Part 1)