Fishing Without Bait 180: Different Ideas with Liss Victory and Krish Mohan

Jim Ellermeyer is rejoined by friends singer/songwriter Liss Victory and comedian Krish Mohan discuss Ikigai, Krish talks about his style of comedy and ending a set, dealing with criticism of his material and in life, keeping from allowing money to guide your art, living how you want to be remembered, getting ready to go on their honeymoon to India, toilets, sharing experiences and information, and more!

Check out more of the music and writings of Liss Victory at

Check out more of the comedy of Krish Mohan at

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Fishing Without Bait 181: Off to India with Liss Victory and Krish Mohan


Fishing Without Bait 179: Taking a Chance with with Liss Victory and Krish Mohan